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Precinct Caucus!
Jan 13th 2024
Pre-registration is now over
What is a PCO Cacus?
Clark County generously permitted us to use their video to explain the caucus process.
Event Information​
The Statewide precinct caucuses will be held on Saturday, January 13.
This is an excellent opportunity to engage in your local and statewide political process.
PCOs (Precinct Committee Officers that neighborhood residents elect) lead the precinct meetings during caucuses. The goal of the caucus is to elect delegates and alternates for the 2024 Spokane County Republican Convention held on February 10 and also to review and update the party platform.
Pooled meetings will begin at 10 AM on January 13; please arrive 30 minutes before the session starts to have ample time to sign in. The caucus will be in session for about 2 hours. You must have an I.D. and voter registration information to check in to the caucus. Each precinct will have a table that will help you check-in. Watch the video above for more details.
If you have any questions, please contact the Spokane County Republican Party at (509) 838-6162 or Email: info@spokanegop.com.
Please visit www.SpokaneGOP.com to donate and sign up to join our conservative grassroots America First movement.
Together we can Make Spokane County Safe, Prosperous, and Great Again!